
Replace That Unhealthy Afternoon “Pick-Me-Up” With This Instead

We’ve all been there… 2 or 3 o’clock hits on a weekday afternoon and we find that our energy is zapped. This is usually the time when it’s tempting to grab another cup of coffee, an energy drink, a soda, or a sweet treat for that little mid-afternoon “pick-me-up.”

What to Buy (and not buy) Organic in 2019

If I put two of the same type of apple in front of you, one organic and the other not, could you tell which one is organic? I’ve found that with certain produce you can, but most of the time you can’t.
midlife goals

5 Questions to Prepare For the Second Quarter of the Year

As we’ve come to the end of the first quarter of the year, this is a great time to reflect, learn, and plan. Of course, I hope you’ve made health and self-care an area of priority this year, but beyond health goals, if you’re anything like my clients, maybe you wanted to get back into playing the guitar or learning Italian, for example.
renewed spirit middle age

Spring: A Time to Renew Your Spirit

Lately, several people back home in Southern California have asked me how I “survived” my first winter in Vancouver. I respond by telling them that honestly, it wasn’t that bad. Granted, it was a pretty mild winter, but needless to say,
mindset in middle age

Look For the Bright Spots

I begin every coaching session with a question. Some of my favorites are: "What’s something good that’s happened recently? What’s something that’s brought you joy lately?"
better health midlife

Results Too Slow? 3 Things to Remind Yourself When You’re Discouraged

I remember an exercise science class I took in grad school. We were discussing physical performance development in athletes in order to help them gain strength, power, agility, and speed through training out on the field, court, or weight room.
peak performance midlife

Balance vs. Harmony

Coming up this week is Women’s International Day on March 8th. The theme this year is “Balance For Better.” While the focus of the theme has to do with gender equality, I thought it’s also a great time for us women to also consider what the word “balance” might mean in other areas of our lives as well.
read more middle age

5 Reasons to Read More (and in turn, eat less) – PART 2

Today, I offer you three more reasons to crack open a good book, not just for your mental health, but your physical health as well. P.S. If for nothing else, at least do it for Reason #5.
mindfulness in midlife

5 Reasons to Read More (and in turn, eat less) – PART 1

In a world that’s constantly trying to find ways to speed things up, it’s important to remember that living life at a faster pace comes at a cost. Sure, speed is fun and entertaining, but is it worth what it does to our attention span and lack of presence (for both ourselves and others)? The more you see things speed up, the more you’ll see books, articles (like this one), and classes helping you slow down.

You + Your Body = LOVE?

As we enter the week of LOVE (by the way, Self-Love Day is always…
increase energy in midlife

How to Manage Your Energy - Part 2

Last October when I started planning my very first retreat up in the Redwoods in Northern California, I eagerly started learning everything I could about Redwood trees. From my own research on the Internet to every documentary on them I could find, I learned so much and I’m so glad I did.
energy midlife

How to Manage Your Energy - Part 1

I’ve found there to be an overemphasis on “time management.” There’s no shortage of books, products, tools, and apps that can help you use your time productively. However, I say there seems to be so much focus on time management, but there is a piece that is often neglected, not on purpose, but because most don’t know about it. It’s something I call “energy management.”

Schedule a 20-minute consulation with Kim!

Schedule a 20-minute call during my Office Hours to talk with me about where you are and where you want to be.

You can ask me any questions you might have and we can determine if we’re the right match for each other.