midlife goals

5 Questions to Prepare For the Second Quarter of the Year

As we’ve come to the end of the first quarter of the year, this is a great time to reflect, learn, and plan.

Of course, I hope you’ve made health and self-care an area of priority this year, but beyond health goals, if you’re anything like my clients, maybe you wanted to get back into playing the guitar or learning Italian, for example.

As you reflect on your progress in these areas, maybe they’re going well or maybe they’re not, but regardless, whether it be health and/or hobby goals you set for yourself this year, today I want to share with you five questions that will help you prepare for even more progress in these next few months to come.

Set aside some Me Time to work through these 5 questions.

Grab your journal and pen and answer the following questions for each area you’re working on right now:

  1. Big or small, what’s going well?
  1. What have you learned about yourself through those victories?
  1. How can you build on these successes in the next three months?
  1. What’s your next actionable step in this certain area/goal you’re focusing on?
  1. What accountability/tweaking of your environment do you need to put in place to ensure you move forward in this area?

By the way, you may have noticed that each question is positive and that’s on purpose, because instead of focusing on what’s not going right and therefore trying to fix what’s wrong, my approach has always been to look at what’s going right and build on those things.

If this methodology is new to you, consider giving it a try and trust that by building on your strengths, as opposed to correcting your weaknesses, you may find yourself making more progress in this next quarter.

So go ahead, take some “Me Time” to work through these important questions today.

If you need help, you know where to find me.

It’s your turn to take care of you,




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