read more middle age

5 Reasons to Read More (and in turn, eat less) – PART 2

Last week, I shared two reasons to read more, and in turn, eat less.

If you missed them, you can check them out HERE.

Today, I offer you three more reasons to crack open a good book, not just for your mental health, but your physical health as well.

If for nothing else, at least do it for Reason #5.

REASON #3: To connect the dots

Reading opens your mind to different perspectives and points of view.

At the same time, it can also reinforce some important principles.

Regardless, reading helps take your own prior experience, open your mind up to various ways of looking at things, and help you connect those dots in order to make the best decisions for yourself.

Not to mention, by tapping into your prior knowledge and experience, along with taking in new information, “connecting the dots” helps you develop mindfulness by compelling you to think beyond the surface for a period of time, an ability known as “deep work.”

What’s more, just the fact that you’re constantly learning and gaining new information helps you apply that knowledge to your own life, so that you can make healthier and better choices for yourself.

REASON #4: To build your long-term mindset

Truth is, I like a good Netflix series as much as the next person, but I will admit that I’ve never “binge-watched” a show.

Personally, I just can’t sit that long, nor do I want to go from staring at a computer for hours a day, to staring at an even larger screen for the rest of the day.

But, people can and do do it – sit for an 8-hour series, which is easier than sitting for 8 hours with a book.

The reason is because TV entertains us, while reading engages us; thus, watching TV doesn’t take up as much mental energy as reading does.

So then, the reality is that few books can be read in just one sitting.

It might take you a few days, weeks, or months of regular reading time to get through one book.

Because we live in an instant gratification society, developing the practice of not having to come away from everything satisfied will help build your long-term mindset.

Whether it’s trying to lose weight or get healthy, for example, it doesn’t happen overnight, so learning how to chip away at a long-term goal little by little in order to reach it is an invaluable skill.

So you begin to choose a healthy meal over an unhealthy one, or decide to exercise even when the conditions aren’t ideal, because you see the bigger picture – you realize that you get to your health goals the same way you get through a book, one page (or meal) at a time.

REASON #5: To have Me Time 

Need I state the obvious?

That reading, at its most basic level, is also just about you taking time for yourself?

You may have heard the phrase, “You can’t give from an empty cup.”

Or even more popular, “Put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.”

When you’re “filling your cup” or “putting on your oxygen mask,” you feel “full.”

Consequently, you are less likely to eat out of “emptiness.”

Remember, when you feel good, you tend to make good choices.

When we’re regularly “filling our cup” it’s like we’re feeding our mind with fruits and vegetables – healthy mental foods, so to speak, that feel good and we know are good for us.

Begin to build in just a little bit of regularly scheduled time to read.

And don’t make it a big production – just do it for five minutes, then, you can start to think about when, where, how long, etc. you want to do it ongoing.

So… now what will you do?

I’ll bet you have a book on your shelf or nightstand that you started reading but didn’t finish or one that you bought, but just haven’t gotten to yet.

If so, consider dusting it off, cracking it open, and diving in.

Do it for the benefit of both your mental and physical health.

Then, enjoy all the great things I know will come.

It’s your turn to take care of you,




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