
Replace That Unhealthy Afternoon “Pick-Me-Up” With This Instead

We’ve all been there…

2 or 3 o’clock hits on a weekday afternoon and we find that our energy is zapped.

This is usually the time when it’s tempting to grab another cup of coffee, an energy drink, a soda, or a sweet treat for that little mid-afternoon “pick-me-up.”

I know I don’t need to tell you that these are not great choices.

But sure, just like a crash diet seems like a good idea (at first) to get some quick results in the short run, the crash will come, sooner rather than later, only to find yourself feeling worse than you did before you gave it a go.

The same is true for trying to boost your energy during the workday by consuming an unhealthy treat – the results are quick, but short-lived.

If you’re interested in a healthier alternative, I have just the thing for you – you’ll feel great and increase your energy and productivity, all without the crash.

Here it is. 

First, realize that sometimes the worst thing we can do when we’re tired in the middle of the day is try to push through it.

Instead of attacking the rest of your day with sheer brute force or trying to get a “lift” from an unhealthy drink or snack, consider giving yourself a 10-minute “mini-break.”

Here are some ideas that will help you recharge, refresh, and get back to work without the crash:

Take a 10-minute walk around the block

There are so many benefits to this. Beyond just getting out of the office, going for a walk will help you get some exercise, and (depending on the time of year) hopefully some sun, fresh air, and a peek at some nature, pretty flowers, or trees.

Take a 10-minute nap or rest

You can do it right in your office. Bring a yoga mat to work, close the door, adjust your “do not disturb” setting on your phone, and lie down for 10 minutes. Even if you don’t catch any sleep, shutting your eyes and resting for a few minutes can be just as beneficial.

Take a 10-minute stretch break

Here’s where that yoga mat may come in handy again. Sometimes by the time 2 or 3pm rolls around, we may have been sitting for several hours. So, whether standing up, on the ground, or both, doing some easy stretches will help you feel more energized by increasing blood flow through your body.

So the next time you find yourself continually looking at your watch, feel yourself dragging, and are tempted to grab an unhealthy treat, consider a healthier alternative – one of my 10-minute mini-break ideas!

Your energy will increase, your productivity will improve, and perhaps best of all, you’ll feel good about the healthier choice you made.

It’s your turn to take care of you,




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