You + Your Body = LOVE?

As we enter the week of LOVE (by the way, Self-Love Day is always on February 13th), I want to talk about relationship, but not in the way that you may think.

I recently spoke to a group of ladies and I asked them to think of one great relationship that they currently have in their life.

It may be with a best friend, partner, child, sister, co-worker, or parent, for example.

Then I asked them to start thinking about what factors make that relationship so great.

They mentioned these relationships having such things as unconditional love, respect, honesty, communication, and care.

I then added a few of my own such as loyalty, gentleness, reciprocity, compassion, and forgiveness.

I shared this quote with them: “Health is a relationship between you and your body.”

I asked them to repeat it back to me, yet with this change: “Health is a relationship between ME and MY BODY.”

I mentioned that a lot of things in life come and go, but unlike a worn out car that we can trade in for a new one when it no longer performs the way we’d like it to, the one body you’re in right now is the one you’ll stay in for the rest of your life.

In this way, you can see your body as your home, your “vehicle for life,” as author Suzy Prudden puts it.

As a result, the relationship that we have with our bodies may be one of the most important relationships we will ever have in our life.

With this in mind, is the relationship you have with your body right now one of the best relationships you have in your life?

Is there unconditional love, respect, honesty, communication, care, gentleness, reciprocity, compassion, and forgiveness?

Maybe your relationship with your body couldn’t be better, but maybe there is some room for improvement.

Regardless, I encourage you to take some Me Time these next few days, as we head into the week of LOVE, to consider thinking about what that real LOVE for your body would look like.

Better yet, don’t just think about it, pull out your journal and ask yourself these questions:

What would…

Unconditional love for my body look like?

What about respect? What would that look like?

Honesty, communication, care — what would each of those look like for me and my body?

Not easy questions to answer, right?

Nevertheless, we persist!

What about loyalty, gentleness, reciprocity, compassion, forgiveness?

What would each look like? What would each feel like? How would you know you’re doing it?

Again, possibly easier questions to answer about a relationship you have with another person, but perhaps not so easy to answer when it comes to ourselves and our bodies.

If you’re willing to be honest and vulnerable (no one else can see this but you, so let your pen flow!), you could easily write pages and pages on these questions.

Not to mention, I think even your willingness to do this exercise is a clear act of self-love.

Remember, the relationship we have with our bodies is one of the most important relationships we will ever have in our lifetime.

I encourage you to use this week of LOVE to look within and determine that this is the year that you take steps toward loving your body in a way that you never have before.

It’s your turn to take care of you,




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  1. […] vision she has for herself. She continued to come to the gym and work hard. She continued to do the best she could with her food choices. Losing weight and building confidence has been her yearlong vision and it […]

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