
midlife goals

5 Questions to Prepare For the Second Quarter of the Year

As we’ve come to the end of the first quarter of the year, this is a great time to reflect, learn, and plan. Of course, I hope you’ve made health and self-care an area of priority this year, but beyond health goals, if you’re anything like my clients, maybe you wanted to get back into playing the guitar or learning Italian, for example.

Get Great at Doing This in 2019

Each morning I do a “Take 5” practice. Sometimes I do a little longer meditation, but if nothing else, I at least do a “Take 5.” “Take 5” is a short, less than 5-minute, guided meditation focused on breathing.

Staying Focused this Fall Using My 3x3x3 Method

The fall season can be one of the hardest times of the year to stay on track with your health habits, yet this is the worst time to quit on yourself. The last thing you want is to use the fall to give up and give in to bad habits and behaviors that are going to put on the pounds and send you on an unhealthy tailspin for the rest of the year.
live to 100

If You Live to Be 100…

If you live to be 100, what kind of 100-year old will you be? Are you going to be bedridden and disabled? Or will you be active and healthy? In my Flourishing 50s community, I recently shared some wisdom from Marge Jetton, one of the centenarians (100+ year-olds) highlighted in the book we’re exploring “The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons For Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest”.

An Invitation to Explore Longevity Together

In the second half of the year in my Flourishing 50s community, we are studying “The Blue Zones.” The Blue Zones are the five places in the world where people live the longest. There are 9 general “lessons” that span across the Blue Zones that we’re going to explore throughout the rest of the year.
mid life goals

5 (Unintimidating) Mid-year Reflection Questions

In my “Look, Feel, and Perform at Your Best in Midlife” workshop, I share that us women are busy creatures. We often have our heads “down,” plowing through our day as we think about what we need to do this hour, this minute, even this second sometimes. If our heads aren’t down, they’re “forward,” looking to what needs to be done next, tomorrow, or this week.
make better choices midlife

Make Better Choices By Cutting the “Noise”

I often tell my clients “awareness is key.” The greater our awareness, the more likely we will make the best choices for ourselves – ones that are aligned with the pursuit of becoming our healthiest and best selves.

The Power of One Minute

At the end of each year, I ask my clients to complete some questions that help them reflect on the past year, as well as look forward to what they want to accomplish in the year to come.
mindfulness midlife

Stop, Look, and Listen

One of my busy clients who has a husband, three daughters (two who still live at home), and runs three successful businesses (yes, three!) recently started carving out some time to go for a walk around her neighborhood. Besides the fact that she learned that she likes being outside and taking in the fresh air, she also discovered something interesting.
weight in midlife

Weight, Size, and the Law of Diminishing Returns

On a podcast I was listening to the other day, the two guys on the show began talking about how much money we need to make to actually make us happy. The study they were talking about said that that number is around $60-75K – basically enough to allow one to live comfortably in most places in the U.S. Interestingly, they also found that making a lot more than that doesn’t necessarily correlate to more happiness or higher emotional well-being.