mid life goals

5 (Unintimidating) Mid-year Reflection Questions

In my “Look, Feel, and Perform at Your Best in Midlife” workshop, I share that us women are busy creatures.

We often have our heads “down,” plowing through our day as we think about what we need to do this hour, this minute, even this second sometimes.

If our heads aren’t down, they’re “forward,” looking to what needs to be done next, tomorrow, or this week.

But rarely do we make enough time to come up for air to ask ourselves: “Where am I going?”

Mid-year (like mid-life) is one of the best times to evaluate where you are, where you’re going, and begin taking small steps toward greater self-care practices.

Sure, you probably know what everyone else in your life wants and needs, but how often do you ask yourself: “What do I want?” “What do I need?”

Today, give yourself permission to work through these 5 mid-year reflection questions so that you don’t wake up on December 31st and wonder how you let another year go while you, once again, put your health and self-care on the back burner.

It’s your turn to take care of you… Because if you don’t, who will?

 If you’ve been lacking in the health and self-care department lately, these 5 (unintimidating) mid-year questions will get you going in the right direction again.

1. How do you want to look and feel by the end of the year?


Right now I look and feel worn out and weary. By the end of the year, I want to look and feel restful and energetic

2. What do you need in order to get there?


I need to develop a nightly bedtime routine where I can wind down in preparation for a good night’s sleep. I can start by turning off all electronics by 9:30pm, be in bed no later than 10pm, and read a physical book until I get sleepy.

3. Who do you need to become in order to make this a habit?


I’m overwhelmed because I have too much on my plate. However, I take pride in being able to handle a lot on my own. But honestly, it’s killing me… So even though it’s going to be uncomfortable for me, I need to become someone who starts asking for hel

4. What is the first small (and not so scary) step that you can take to get there?


What I can do is make a list of all the things I do for my mom and dad that I believe can be delegated to my siblings.

5. What’s the next easiest step you can take after that?


After I make my list, I’ll call up my brother (because I think he wouldn’t mind chipping in more) and ask him if he can start picking up groceries for Mom and Dad every other week. This would help me tremendously. It’ll allow me to have a few more hours to catch up on my own work responsibilities so that I can put my laptop away before dinner and start my bedtime routine at 9:30.

There you have it – my 5 (hopefully) unintimidating questions to work on that will get you going as we start the second half of the year.

You’ve already completed the first step by reading the questions.

Now it’s time to answer them for yourself regarding your own situation.

Here’s the thing though…

If you just keep it to yourself, it’s far less likely to happen, so if you need someone to hold you accountable, schedule a call with me during my Office Hours to tell me your commitment.

I can’t wait to hear what you’ll start doing to take better care of yourself this second half of the year!

It’s Your Turn to Take Care of You,




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