
healthy practices midlife

Big Little Practice #5: 7 “Big Little Practices” That Will Transform Your Health

Here we are, Big Little Practice #5! This 7-part series is inspired by something my mentor used to say to me: “The little things are the big things.” Over the past several weeks, I’ve been sharing one Big Little Practice that you can start implementing into your life that over time will lead to big positive changes in your health and in your life.
midlife priorities

Put Your “Shoulds” Back on the Shelf

“I’ve been ‘should’ing’ all over myself.” I couldn’t help but chuckle when one of my clients opened with this line at the beginning of our coaching session. But in all seriousness, I find that we women tend to do this – carry a lot of “shoulds” around with us all day.
me time midlife

Don’t Make “Me Time” a Big Production

“Me Time,” AKA “self-care” doesn’t have to be expensive or take a long time. In fact, I believe “Me Time” works a lot like exercise, in that it’s cumulative – it’s not so much about what you do once in awhile, but rather what you do over time that counts in the long run.