healthy practices midlife

Big Little Practice #5: 7 “Big Little Practices” That Will Transform Your Health

Here we are, Big Little Practice #5!

This 7-part series is inspired by something my mentor used to say to me: “The little things are the big things.”

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been sharing one Big Little Practice that you can start implementing into your life that over time will lead to big positive changes in your health and in your life.

I hope you’ve found them valuable so far and if you missed any, do check them out.

Here we go with Big Little Practice #5.

Big Little Practice #5: Practice Me Time

Now you know I had to mention Me Time in this list, right?!

It is the name of my podcast, after all, so you know how important I believe it is.

But even more important, I want to make sure you understand what I mean by Me Time.

First of all, Me Time shouldn’t be a one-time event or even an occasional occurrence.

Instead, I believe Me Time should be a regular practice in your life.

What’s more, Me Time doesn’t have to be a big production – you don’t have to spend a ton of money or time on it.

Sure, spa days, weekend getaways, and a taking a workday off are all great and I’m all for them, but not in place of regular Me Time.

Me Time is a Big Little Practice that adds up over time if done consistently, rather than something you have to wait days, weeks, or months for, or that cost and arm and a leg.

Again, having a weekend to yourself is amazing, but it’s not often feasible or realistic to do all the time.

Exchanging 30 minutes of your evening TV time to read instead is more realistic, not to mention, more rewarding.

Me Time is all about doing something good for yourself because you believe you’re worth it.

It’s about valuing yourself enough to take care of yourself even in the smallest of ways.

Me Time is about “putting your ‘shoulds’ on the shelf” and asking yourself what you want and need.

That’s what Me Time means.

And there are a million excuses we can come up with that keep us from committing to Me Time, and I believe those are worth digging into.

In fact, this is a common area of exploration with my clients, because although Me Time can seem like a simple, doable thing, it often gets pushed to the side.

We say it’s important to do and important to us, but our actions don’t always reflect that.

This “inaction,” so to speak, sends a subconscious message to ourselves that we aren’t worth it.

And so the cycle of not enough Me Time, negative self-talk, guilt, and shame continues round and round and round.

The great news is that you can get off that merry-go-round at any time by doing something good for yourself – something you want and need.

I believe in building on small successes because remember, over time, the little things become the big things.

In fact, you reading this right now is an act of self-care, so good for you!

Now it’s time to take the next step.

Your call-to-action this week is building on what you already do when it comes to Me Time.

Just like with exercise where you can add more days, or more intensity, do it a little longer, or try something different, you can build on your current Me Time the same way.

Remember, it’s not about trying to fix what’s wrong; rather, building on the smallest detail that’s going right.

So, put your “should’ves” on the shelf for now, let go of what you haven’t done for yourself lately, and think about how you can build on what you’re already doing, even if it’s something really small.

And try not to overthink this or make it a big production; the smaller it is, the more doable it’ll be for you and the point here is to push beyond thinking about it and actually do it.

These little acts of self-care add up and they’re worth it.

More important, you’re worth it. Believe that.

I’ll see you next week for Big Little Practice #6!

It’s your turn to take care of you,




It’s Your Turn to Take Care of You!

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