holiday travel eating tips

How You Can Avoid Unhealthy Eating While Traveling This Holiday Season Part I

There’s so much that is out of your control when you travel.

Your routine is off.

Your sleep schedule is off.

You may even find yourself in “vacation mode” and therefore let yourself go a little more during the holidays.

What’s more, cold weather and less than comfortable travel lead us to crave unhealthy treats that offer instant gratification.

I rarely encourage anyone to try to lose weight during the holidays; it’s simply too hard to do.

Instead, I suggest maintaining the health you do have with the addition of some helpful tips that I’m going to give you throughout this two-part series. Let’s dive in.

TIP #1: Don’t diet before your trip

Instead, eat healthy long before you go.

Don’t wait until a week (or few days) before your trip to crash diet.

Don’t do anything out of the ordinary to your body.

It’s not necessary, it’s not worth it, and your body never responds well to rapid diets.

TIP #2: Preparation is key

While traveling on the road, don’t stop at mini-marts for snacks.

You’ll find nothing short of unhealthy choices that are packed with trans-fats and loaded with sugar and sodium.

Instead, pack healthy snacks you prepared at home — it’ll save you money too!

Portable snacks that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, as well as low in salt are your best choices.

Unsalted trail mix, including nuts like almonds and walnuts, are best.

Fresh fruits like apples and bananas travel well too.

TIP #3: Get some sleep

If you’re wondering what sleep has to do with your food choices, my answer is EVERYTHING!

When we’re tired or jet-lagged, we tend to make poor eating choices because we want to feel better immediately.

So, make sure you get plenty of sleep if possible.

Now, I understand this can be hard to do during travel, especially in a plane, train, or automobile, but do the best you can to get some shut-eye.

You’ll make better food choices and be in a happier mood.

I have three more tips for you in Part II, including when it’s okay to indulge and what to do immediately when you return from your travels that will get you back on track in no time. Go check that out.

It’s your turn to take care of you,


4 replies
  1. Suzanne Stavert
    Suzanne Stavert says:

    I needed this today! I am in San Francisco this week and the food and restaurants here are amazing! I just don’t want to completely undo healthy diet and exercise while I travel. But the truth is, I eat and drink what I want when I travel, but try to keep it to only two meals a day.

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