What’s YOUR Gold Medal?

Did you catch any of the Winter Olympics this year? I watched just a little, only because I prefer the Summer Olympics. Regardless of which Olympics I prefer or you prefer, there is one thing that I think we both agree on – these athletes are amazing!

Did you know that thousands of athletes want to go to the Olympics but only a few actually make the Olympics, and out of those few, only three win a medal in each sport? Three. Gold, silver, and bronze, of course.

It takes years of preparation and hard work to become an Olympic athlete. It takes mental toughness and tenacity. It takes discipline and focus, all in hope to attain one of those precious medals. All it takes is for your competitor to be just a little bit fitter or a little bit faster or a little bit stronger or a little bit more accurate on game day, and your chances of winning a medal could be lost.

But, I don’t have to convince you of what it takes to become an Olympic gold medalist. If you’ve watched those who stand on the podium and claim their medal, as their flag rises and their National Anthem plays, the look on their face says it all. All the blood, sweat, and tears have paid off and now they get to savor this glorious moment that they have dreamed about for years.

I want to ask you today, “What is YOUR gold medal?” I’m not talking about your bronze or even silver medal, I’m talking about your GOLD medal. What do I mean by this?

What is your health and wellness gold medal? What does your “dream health” look like? Where would your life have to be to feel like an Olympian standing on the podium accepting your gold medal?

An Olympic gold medalist must dream big and keep the vision of the gold medal they want to attain constantly in clear view.

  • Do you think about the vision of your best self every day?

An Olympic gold medalist must stay motivated to keep moving toward that goal every day.

  • What motivates you to do the hard work of inching toward your goal every day?

An Olympic gold medalist must accept that not every day is a great training day, but wake up the next morning, put yesterday behind them, and try again.

  • When you fail or don’t live up to your expectations, how will you prepare your mind to courageously wake up the next day and try again?

An Olympic gold medalist must develop healthy mind and body habits that are monotonous at times, but they trust that the small daily actions, as basic as they are, will win them the gold.

  • What are your best daily habits that are not necessarily sexy but over time will get you to your goal?

My hope for you is that you know what YOUR gold medal is – that you have that picture of your ideal self clear in your mind and you start taking action today toward it. And lastly, promise yourself that you will never settle for anything less than what you deserve – Go for Gold!