happiness mid life

What To Do When You Feel Like Quitting

Do you ever feel like quitting your health and wellness goals?

While I believe that there are times to quit things like a dead-end job or a bad relationship, something I hope you never quit on is your health and wellness, because frankly, you can’t enjoy the second half of your life in a tired, overweight, painful, and hard to move body. Instead, it’s my goal to move my clients toward a body that sleeps well, eats well, moves with ease, and carries around little stress. That’s the body that can enjoy all the adventures you have yet to experience in midlife!

So what do you do when you feel like quitting? Over the years, I’ve found that there are a few reasons why women decide to quit on their health and wellness goals. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you feel like quitting.

Is my WHY strong?

I ask all of the clients to complete a Purpose Statement, that is, a succinct sentence that encompasses WHY they want to look, feel, and perform at their best in midlife.

  1. This statement must do two things:
    Hit you at the emotional level – Your WHY must come DEEP from your heart, not your head.
  2. Excite you – When you can envision what your life could be like when you look, feel, and perform at your personal best, it should excite and motivate you!

Are my goals attainable?

While your Purpose Statement, or WHY, comes from your heart and not your head, your goals need to come from your head. I have seen countless women make goals that are unreachable for them in the time frame they want. Many expect to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, or improve their nutrition habits in a week. Don’t make this mistake. Make sure your goals are appropriate for you. A wellness coach like myself can ensure that you set yourself up for success.

Do I have accountability and support?

Let’s say you have your Purpose Statement, that is, your WHY that hits you at the emotional level and excites you. Let’s also say that you have a goal or goals that are attainable for you. Now, you need the glue that’s going to bring it all together, accountability and support. Generally speaking, when you have accountability and support, you have told someone about your goals and have asked them to make sure you stick to them and support you when the times get tough and you feel like quitting. I cannot stress enough the importance of this. We all need this in our lives.

So, next time you feel like quitting on your health and wellness goals, I hope you ask yourself the questions I posed to you. Stay the course, trust the process, and believe in what could be!

Need some help? I’m only an email away!

Would you like me to review your Purpose Statement and goal(s)? If so, email me at kim@transformationwellnessforwomen.com and I would be happy to make sure you’re on the right track and are set up for success.

Wishing you joyful health in your 50’s,