Want vs. Should

[quote type=”center]“WANT leads to CHOICE, which leads to COMMITMENT.

SHOULD leads to DECISION, which leads to SACRIFICE.”

– Cherie Carter-Scott[/quote]2womenexercise123rf

If you truly want to change, you will do it. If others are forcing you to change, or you feel like you should change, you are less likely to follow through and the change will feel like a sacrifice.

If you really want to start exercising because you want to be healthier and feel better, it will be easier to make a commitment to start exercising and sticking to it. However, if you just left the doctor’s office and your doctor just told you it’s time to start getting healthier and you roll your eyes, you’re less likely to stick to it.

I believe there is a spectrum to the commitment to change when it comes to exercise and nutrition. Think about where you are on this spectrum. How committed are you to your own exercise and nutrition? Are you doing it because YOU want to do it? Or are you doing it because someone else wants you to do it?

Don’t get me wrong. I believe that others should help you stay accountable and support you, but you are not doing it for their approval.

  • Do you exercise when no one is watching?
  • What are you eating when no one is around?
  • Do you try to find excuses as to why you can’t exercise, or do you ask a friend to meet you at the gym or a walk around the neighborhood every morning?
  • Do you wait until no one is around and you sneak those few pieces of candy at your co-worker’s desk?
  • Or do you not even walk by it when they are not there so you aren’t tempted?

If the doctor says you have to start exercising because of health issues, don’t think you need to start running marathons or even sign up for the next 5K. Start small and start slow. Start by changing just one small thing until it becomes a habit. You can start by taking a 15-minute walk at lunch with a fellow co-worker. This can lead to another 15-minute walk when you get home from work or after dinner. It’s important to secure the first habit before you add to it or move on to a new one.

Take some time to think through your reasons for wanting to change.  If you find that you are doing it for others, try to come to terms with reasons why you ‘want’ to get healthy and take care of yourself.  Write these reasons down and allow them to propel you forward.  At the end of the day, the motivation that comes from inside is what will determine your success.

I’m cheering for you!