health in your 50s

This May Be Stunting Your Growth

Maybe you’ve heard of the saying, “No one ever regretted a workout.” I completely agree with this. I really have never regretted a workout. I also have never regretted passing on that second serving of food when my body was satisfied or forgoing that free bread they serve you at a restaurant while you wait for your main course.

But, there’s something else I have never regretted doing, and that’s investing in my personal growth. This might not be the first thing you think of when you hear the word “invest,” but it’s something that I have found my clients in general don’t spend enough time doing. They spend (invest) a whole lot of time giving – of their time, energy, and resources, but they don’t do nearly as much receiving. Let’s face it: you’re always going to have a “To-Do” list. You’re always going to have things you need to get done. Someone is always going to “need” you.

However, please remember that you need you too, and although there may be things out of your control that you must attend to, it’s vital that you are not “stunting your own personal growth” by putting yourself on the back-burner this year.

So what do I mean by investing in your personal growth? It’s a time where you receive. It’s a time where you feel really full, but in a good way! Your mind and your heart feel like they just had a delicious, healthy, and satisfying meal. It means taking some time for you, by yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes enjoying something you love to do, reading (and finishing!) that book you’ve been meaning to return to, or maybe it’s listening to some of your favorite music while you create a beautiful and meaningful project that you return to daily that brings you great joy.

Taking time to invest in your personal development each day takes discipline. It’s hard to schedule time in your To-Do list for YOU sometimes, but I promise that it’s worth it. If you want to continue to move toward creating a healthier and happier you not just this year, but for the rest of your life, there’s nothing more important than spending time getting to know YOU. Everything begins to blossom from there.

Will you make your personal growth a priority this year? If so, how?

Just a reminder – my ReINVENT Your Health starts in just a few days! This 6 week coaching program is completely online.  This means all you need is a computer and a desire to live a healthier life in 6 weeks.  Click here to learn more about it.  I’m looking forward to working with you!

Your health and wellness coach in your 50’s,

4 replies
  1. Sheryl
    Sheryl says:

    Taking care of yourself has to be a “non-negotiable.” Of course, we all get busy and run out of time, but I think it’s important to fit in at least one healthy habit each day.

    • Kim Acedo
      Kim Acedo says:

      Thanks, Sheryl, I like that – at least one good healthy thing for yourself a day. What I like about that too is that it’s realistic for most! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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