
Audio Blog: Are you “All In?”

Being “all in” means that you are committed to the entire journey and when the obstacles come your way, you don’t back out now, no you lean into it, you embrace it, you make friends with it.
birthday thoughts midlife

A Powerful Birthday (or any day) Statement

I don’t care what anyone says, I like to take certain times of the year and give meaning to them – New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, the beginning and end of a season, and yes, my birthday.
renewed spirit middle age

Spring: A Time to Renew Your Spirit

Lately, several people back home in Southern California have asked me how I “survived” my first winter in Vancouver. I respond by telling them that honestly, it wasn’t that bad. Granted, it was a pretty mild winter, but needless to say,
mindset in middle age

Look For the Bright Spots

I begin every coaching session with a question. Some of my favorites are: "What’s something good that’s happened recently? What’s something that’s brought you joy lately?"