
self care mid life doctor visit

Regular Checkups

Even though I try to stay as healthy as I can, I still don’t like going to the doctor. Nevertheless, I go every summer anyway for my routine check-ups. Not to mention, Type II diabetes runs in my family, so it’s something I have to constantly be mindful of.
midlife women cancer prevention

Cancer: What Midlife Women Can & Can’t Control

Cancer hit two of my family members in the past 6 months. It’s not surprising, as statistics tell us that for us, 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. Knowing this, it’s understandable to think that it’s inevitable for you too, if not sooner, probably later; however, my hope is that you’re also aware that there are things you can do to decrease your risk.
self care mid life doctor visit

Have You Had Your Regular Check-ups?

Even though I try to stay as healthy as I can, I still don’t like going to the doctor. Nevertheless, I go every summer anyway for my routine check-ups. Not to mention, Type II diabetes runs in my family, so it’s something I have to constantly be mindful of.
food tracking mid life

The Power of NOT Logging Your Food

When someone wants to start eating healthier, oftentimes they’ll start logging their food by writing down everything they’ve eaten at the end of each day. Makes sense – if you write down all you eat and drink and examine it at a glance, you can see where you might need to make healthy changes.
healthy summer mid life

[Podcast Episode] How to Have a Happy & Healthy Summer

I was delighted when Karyn and Jean asked me back on their Fun. Feisty. Fabulous! Podcast to talk about how to stay healthy in the summer! As always, they asked me great questions, both general and personal, as they both are on their own healthy journeys.
healthy restaurant eating

3 Tips for Making a Healthy Choice at a Restaurant

It was my birthday last weekend and I did one of my favorite things… I ate. I didn’t overeat, but I ate most of the foods I love that I don’t eat on a regular basis (because they wouldn’t be considered the “healthiest”). I’ll admit it, my birthday was on a Saturday, but I “celebrated” all weekend.

Health, Your Greatest Wealth

In my "ReINVENT Your Health" 6-week online course, I teach about growth, fixed, and mixed mindsets, but what about an inner abundance mindset? It was a treat to be a recent guest on Jolen Philbrook’s “Inner Abundant Mindset Podcast,” where she helps women move past their limiting beliefs and toward a “wealthy” mindset.
weight loss midlife

Beware: Not All Spring “Leaning” Challenges Are For You

It’s the time of year when I start seeing a lot of weight loss challenges that promise to help you “lean in spring” coming up on my Facebook newsfeed. I’m not surprised because when I was a trainer, this was the time of year the gym started getting busy again, second to January, because April seems to serve as sort of a “wake-up call” to get back in action if they’ve been neglecting the health and fitness goals they set out to accomplish in the beginning of the year.
how to keep a food jounal

Start Adding This Missing Piece to Your Food Journal

If you currently write a food journal, that is, writing down all the food you eat at the end of the day, you may be missing this key element that is really helping my clients make healthy changes.
self care 50s women

Want more time for self-care? Ask yourself these 3 questions

Time and self-care go hand in hand because self-care does, in fact, take time – everything from exercise, to sleep, to preparing healthy meals for yourself, to immersing yourself a relaxing, well-deserved bath at the end of a hard day takes some time.