
confidence women midlife

Confidence: Too Much of a Good Thing?

There are certain occasions where having confidence serves you well – when you’re trying to land a job, dating, giving a presentation, etc. However, there is a time when being overly confident can actually hurt you, and it has to do with your health. While you do need some confidence when it comes to making lasting changes to your health and well-being, there is such a thing as being overly confident.

Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare

I had the honor of being invited back to the Fun. Feisty. Fabulous Podcast with the exuberant hosts Karyn Beach and Jean Day. “Fun. Feisty. Fabulous is a podcast for people in their 40s and 50s who know that life doesn't end at 40 but that it begins again. This time it is about you - your passions, your desires, your way.”

The Power of One Minute

At the end of each year, I ask my clients to complete some questions that help them reflect on the past year, as well as look forward to what they want to accomplish in the year to come.
self care 50s

2 Wellness Coaches: Candid Conversation with Kim Acedo & Debra Atkinson

I was recently a guest on the Flipping 50 Podcast. Host Debra Atkinson and I are both wellness coaches who serve a similar audience… you! We thought it might be fun to give you the opportunity to eavesdrop on us as we had a casual conversation about our own health habits.

A Goal Without a Plan(ner) is Just a Wish

“My Healthiest Year Ever 2018 Planner” will help you plan your meals out each week, create a grocery list, do an evening self-reflection, and much more – to help you grow personally, as well as meet your health and self-care goals this year. There’s nothing like having a physical planner you write in everyday that also holds you accountable to staying on track this year

A New Year Challenge and Call to Action

Imagine you didn’t know yourself but you could observe yourself in 2017… How and where did you spend most of your time and energy this past year?
healthy new year

[Download] 5 Essential Ingredients to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Ever

If you want to make 2018 your healthiest year ever, this is the time to start thinking about what you need so that you don’t find yourself quitting before you see any results.
holiday balance

7 Tips to Help You Keep that “Merry & Light” Balance

The holidays are the toughest time of year to be healthy. There are sweets and treats at almost every turn, and avoiding them, or at least having self-control when you do partake, is often easier said than done.

How to Create a “Healthy Holiday Look Back Story”

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but perhaps you ate or drank a little too much than you had hoped for, and you’re feeling bad about yourself. If this is the case, my hope is that my Merry & Light Holiday Checklist will come in handy for the rest of the season.
3 ways to change

3 Things You Must Have to Create Successful Health Changes

Whether you're building a new good habit or letting go of an old poor habit, there are three very important pieces that MUST be in place when you’re making a change. None of these three can stand alone. You must have all three if you want to make a successful change.