Problem Solving Map (it really works!)

There is no getting through life without problems.  But why is it that some people seem to take problems in stride—hardly missing a beat when something goes wrong, but other people switch gears into neutral and become paralyzed by overwhelm?

It has a lot to do with individual styles of approaching problems.  Whether the problem is a small inconvenience or a huge conflict, how a person thinks about problems has a big impact on how it will impact her.  Some people seem to be born with an ability to stay level headed and work through tough situations.  But even if you are not a natural at problem solving, take heart:  this is a skill that you can learn.

By following a few simple steps, you can train yourself to think and strategize your way through any obstacle that you come across.

Whether you are dealing with a difficult co-worker or settling a squabble between the kids, these guidelines will help you stay level-headed and think your way through to a solution.

  • Get the facts.  The first step in solving a problem is to make sure you have a good understanding of what the problem actually is.  This is a step where many people get into trouble, because they do not take the time to get all the facts.  If you make a mistake here, you could waste a lot of time and energy finding a solution to a problem that does not even exist! Don’t assume you have all the information or even the correct information.  Be certain about what you are up against.
  • Define the desired outcome.  Before you can solve the problem, you have to know what the solution looks like.  What is your goal as it relates to this problem?  Ask yourself, “What would it look like to have this problem resolved?   How will I know when I have reached resolution?”  During this step you are focused on outcome.
  • Brainstorm ways to reach resolution.  The object here is to consider ways that you can solve the problem and arrive at the resolution state which you defined in step 2.  This is where you can get help from friends, mentors, coaches, counselors and family members.  The more ideas and strategy options you have the better.At this point, it is critical to let ideas flow freely.  Attempting to restrict your brainstorming to just those ideas that seem reasonable to you will actually stifle your brain’s creative ability.  In other words, trying to evaluate while you create may keep you from coming up with that one perfect idea!
  • Consider pros and cons.  This is the process of narrowing down your options for reaching resolutions.  Consider the consequences of each viable course of action.  What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  • Make the plan.    Now that you have your course of action, you can break it down into manageable steps.  Decide what needs to happen first, second, third, etc.  Write it down. This is your play book.
  • Take action.  Work the plan, and start turning yourself into an expert problem solver!
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