mood in midlife

Part 3: MOOD – The “Telling Month” of October

Welcome to Part 3 of my 4-part series, The “Telling Month” of October.

I’m sharing one important (and totally doable) suggestion per week around each health habit you’ll want to stay on top of this month (Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise) that I hope you carry into the holidays.

Remember, you can’t “wing” a healthy and happy holiday season; it needs to prepared for and it starts now, in October.

The intention is for you to try each of my strategies and allow them to build on each other now and through the holidays.

We’ve already covered a tactic for SLEEP & FOOD.

Today, let’s jump into MOOD.

We know that shorter days and longer nights can affect our mood.

We also know that poor mood can lead to unhealthy food choices, a lack of good sleep, and low motivation when it comes to exercise.

Finally, we know that when we improve any of those areas (our Sleep, Food, Exercise, and yes, Mood), it helps improve the other areas as well.

When it comes to improving your mood, consider this strategy:

Sprinkle your calendar with social activities.

When we’re with our favorite friends and family, it puts us in a better mood, which will help us make better food choices, get a good night’s sleep, and find more will to exercise.

If you can get together with friends and family who make you laugh and you can be yourself around, even better.

What’s more, consider the people who make you feel “full” after spending time with them, as opposed to depleted (you know who those people are!).

Hanging out with these “healthy” individuals will help you lower your stress, and in turn improve your sleep quality and food choices.

So, that’s your homework this week, to schedule in some good, healthy, and fun social time with the people you enjoy being around the most.

Next week I’ll share with you Part 4 of our 4-part series on The “Telling Month” of October.

It’s all about EXERCISE. Stay tuned!

It’s your turn to take care of you,




P.S. Miss Parts 1 & 2 on SLEEP & FOOD? Check out Part 1 on SLEEP HERE & Part 2 on FOOD HERE.


Don’t “fall” back into old habits this season…  
I’m here to help. 

2 replies
    SHARON B FRIED says:

    Kim, up until a few years ago, I wasn’t that sociable and I was around mostly negative people. But I am finally learning to be sociable with good, positive people, and it definitely does me a world of good. Thanks for reinforcing that

    • Kim
      Kim says:

      Wonderful! May I add that I love when you are able to come to our community gatherings. Hope you can still make some now that you’ve moved!

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