Keep Showing Up

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait, and watch, and work: you don’t give up.” –Anne Lamott

I work daily with clients, motivating them to just keep showing up, doing their best, and promising them it will pay off. Understanding that every single workout matters and every single decision they make to show up or not show up will over time determine their results.

It’s a hard concept to conceive in a time of the latest fitness crazes. We see it day in and day out. We in the fitness profession call them “quick fixes.” There are the fad diets and exercise equipment that promise you a ridiculous amount of weight loss in a very short amount of time. There are also readily available surgeries that cut, suck, and staple.

But what about you? What about the people who choose to go to the gym every day, pop in that exercise DVD every night when they get home from work, hire a fitness coach to keep them accountable, and take the time to grocery shop for healthy foods?

Sometimes it may seem that the results are so miniscule that you don’t even see them. A week of hard work took no pounds off and you’re still in the same jean size. You try to do everything the right way and it’s taking so long.

The famous screenwriter Woody Allen once said that 80 percent of success is just showing up.

I’m urging you today to keep showing up. Keep doing the right things. Keep taking the right action steps. Keep moving forward by making the right choices. I guarantee that in time, and possibly less time than you think, you will reach your goals.