coach women 50s

How Are You Preparing For This?

This week, I finished leading a 12-week small group of women in their 50’s through the book “The Four Agreements.” Living the Four Agreements is a lot easier said than done. It takes a lifetime to master them, if you ever do. In case you’re not familiar with the book, The Four Agreements are:

#1 – Be Impeccable With Your Word
#2 – Don’t Take Anything Personally
#3 – Don’t Make Assumptions
#4 – Always Do Your Best

At the end of the book, the author, Don Miguel Ruiz, asks you to imagine if your doctor told you that you only have one week to live. How would you live your life in that one week?

One week is a short time, especially when it’s the last week of your life. It’s so short that it comes with a sense of urgency as you do your best (yes, that’s Agreement #4) to figure out how you’re going to spend your final week on Earth.

While Ruiz asks how you’d live your last week, I have a different question for you.

I’m going to assume (yep, I’m breaking Agreement #2) that you’re going to live longer than one week. In fact, I believe you’re going to live a lot longer. Perhaps you’ve heard me say, “your next 50 years.” I say this because I believe it, literally.

Modern medicine, technology, and healthcare have allowed us to live longer than we ever have as humans and they will only continue to permit us to do so. What I’m saying is that it won’t be uncommon for you to live to 100 years old.

So frankly, I’m not that interested in how you would spend your last week, because hopefully by the time you get to your last week, you have no regrets. Instead, I’m much more interested in how you’re going to live your NEXT fifty years.

The challenge is that while “one week to live” prompts urgency in one’s life, fifty years on the other hand FEELS like a long time.

Long enough to wait.
Long enough to procrastinate.
Long enough to be busy being busy.
Long enough to wait until tomorrow to get back on track.

So my question to you is, what if you had fifty more years to live?

And more importantly, how (if at all) are you preparing for your next fifty years?

I would love to support you on your journey toward creating a healthy second half of life. I’d love to see you at one of my next live workshops. They’re absolutely free and I promise it’s worth two hours of your precious time. My next two are in Los Angeles and Bradbury. Register HERE and feel free to bring a friend or two along with you.

If you don’t live in either of those areas, I’d love to do one near you. Just let me know you’re interested and I’ll do my best (yes, Agreement #4 again!) to come out to you.

Finally, if you’re not a part of my Facebook group yet, what are you waiting for?! Just click HERE and request to join. Be a part of my community of women in their 50’s. You’ll stay motivated, inspired, and accountable too! It’s completely free. I’d love to see you there.

Wishing you joyful health in your 50’s,

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