Healthy Eating on a Budget

Do you want to eat healthy but are put off by the higher prices of healthy food?fruit

It is true that calorie for calorie, unhealthy food is cheaper, but only in the short run.  That food will eventually take its toll on your health, resulting in medical bills. The smart decision is to figure out how to eat healthy on your current budget and give your body the nutrition that it needs.

Eating healthy can be challenging if you are watching your budget, but it is not impossible.

Follow these tips to stretch your dollar and create vibrant health.

  • Plan your meals.  Planning your meals is one of the best ways to stay within your food budget.  It not only allows you to make use of leftovers, but it also prevents that last minute run to the store for quick, unhealthy foods.  At the beginning of each week, write down meal plans for the upcoming week, and then go to the store and purchase only what you have on your list.
  • Save leftovers.  If you have any leftover meat or vegetable scraps, toss them in your freezer.  Eventually, you will have enough for a pot of soup.
  • Use beans frequently.  Dried beans are a wonderful source of protein and fiber.  And they are very inexpensive.  Purchase different varieties until you find your favorites, and then try to eat them every day in one form or another.  They are filling, frugal and fabulous for your health.
  • Eat at home.  When you eat meals at home, you are much more likely to eat healthy food.  Food prepared from scratch generally contains healthier ingredients and less fat, sugar and salt.  Restaurant food not only is expensive, but it is difficult to eat a truly healthy meal out.
  • Buy unprepared fruits and vegetables.  Precut produce costs more than whole fruits and vegetables.  Washing and preparing produce only takes a few minutes, and you will save a lot of money by doing it yourself.
  • Buy frozen vegetables and fruit.  If your produce tends to go bad before you are able to use it all, you may be throwing money away.  Having frozen vegetables and fruit in your freezer allows you to prepare a little at a time without worrying about the remainder spoiling.
  • Cook ahead and freeze extras.  You can save money by purchasing food in bulk, cooking it up and then freezing the extra portions.  For example, if you find a great sale on chicken breasts, make several different recipes from it and put them in the freezer.  That way, the next time you want to eat chicken breasts, you do not have to pay full price for them; they will be waiting for you in your freezer!