in your 50s

Lack Motivation In Midlife? Try This Simple Tweak

As a wellness coach, I listen a lot. My job is to listen intently…
life coach women 50s

The Sneaky Misconception That’s Hindering Your Health Progress

“Are you getting ready to get ready to think about getting…
coach women 50s

How Are You Preparing For This?

This week, I finished leading a 12-week small group of women…
coach women 50s

Get Rid of Punishing Yourself Once and For All

I hated striking out. I mean literally striking out when I…
mid life happiness

The Secret of Creating More Time in Your Week

Today’s post is a short one because you don’t have time to…
mid life women_coaching

Why Health Is Not For Everyone

Being an entrepreneur is tough. I've realized over the last few…
midlife happiness

The Liebster Award: Get to Know Me and Other Bloggers!

Fellow blogger Suzanne Stavert of Adventures of Empty Nesters…
life coach midlife

Why It’s Crucial to Keep Your Eyes on the Road

This morning in the carpool lane, I drove past a motorcycle cop…

5 Ways My DAD Made Me Who I Am Today

Last month for Mother’s Day, I paid tribute to my Mom for all…
midlife health

What 5 Women Do You Most Admire?

Eleanor Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks,…