The Type of Motivation Needed For Healthy Changes That Last

If you want to be healthy for the rest of your life, you MUST be motivated by this.

The Biggest Misconception About Exercise and Weight Loss in Midlife

If you’ve been frustrated with the speed of your weight loss and you’ve been exercising more or harder than ever, you have to read this.
how to keep a food jounal

Start Adding This Missing Piece to Your Food Journal

If you currently write a food journal, that is, writing down all the food you eat at the end of the day, you may be missing this key element that is really helping my clients make healthy changes.
eating healthy in your 50s

Good Nutrition Isn’t Complicated

The diet industry tries to lead people to believe that nutrition is complicated, when it’s actually very simple – it’s healthy, whole foods in an appropriate quantity.

Frustrated with the diet industry? Join the club.

Last week, I shared with you a new term I created: Modern Health Enthusiast, in order to set the tone for the next five weeks where I’ll be breaking down my 5 Ways to become a “Modern Health Enthusiast,” inspired by the recent Time magazine article “The Weight Loss Trap”.

Are You a Modern Health Enthusiast?

I’m going to create a new term and you’re the first to hear it: Modern Health Enthusiast. Do you like it? Let me explain a little more…

When It Gets Hard and You Want to Quit

We’ve all been there, especially if it’s a Sunday… We’re at the grocery store with our shopping cart full and ready to head to the checkout line. As I make my way to the front of the store, I scan the length of the lines, “What checkout lane should I chose?” The one with the shortest line, of course. I get in the shortest line and wait… and wait……… and wait… Oh! But that line next to you? It’s moving rather quickly now. Your line is taking too long and you think, “I’d be foolish to stay in this line if that line over there is moving more quickly.”

Weight Gain: What does menopause have to do with it?

Weight gain… What does menopause have to do with it?! Perhaps less than you think. So before blaming menopause for all of your recent or longstanding weight gain, consider this...
Maria Allyn

Reignite Your Zest for Life in Midlife

When I count my blessings, one of them is always the fact that I know such amazing women who also share my mission of empowering women in midlife, but serve them in various ways. One woman in particular I wanted to highlight today, because our messages are so aligned, is Midlife Fulfillment Coach Maria Allyn.
self care coach

When You Feel Good…

When we feel good ABOUT ourselves, we do good FOR ourselves. In my Flourishing 50s community, our Guest Expert last month was also a wellness coach and she said shared with us something so simple and so true:

Why Your Kids Still Need You

First of all, if you’re a mom in any way, I want to wish you very Happy Mother’s Day! I don’t have children of my own, but I am a child of my mom’s. So while I can’t tell you what it’s like to bear a child and love that child probably more than anything in the world, what I do know is that I still need my mom… but maybe not in the way you might be thinking.
self care 50s women

Want more time for self-care? Ask yourself these 3 questions

Time and self-care go hand in hand because self-care does, in fact, take time – everything from exercise, to sleep, to preparing healthy meals for yourself, to immersing yourself a relaxing, well-deserved bath at the end of a hard day takes some time.

Schedule a 20-minute consulation with Kim!

Schedule a 20-minute call during my Office Hours to talk with me about where you are and where you want to be.

You can ask me any questions you might have and we can determine if we’re the right match for each other.