midlife women prevent breast cancer

What Midlife Women Aren’t Doing To Prevent Breast Cancer

I was recently a guest on the Fun. Feisty. Fabulous! Podcast. I had so much fun talking with these two ladies, Karyn Beach and Jean Day. They shared some of obstacles and challenges with their health they face on a daily basis and asked for my help.
habits that stick

Habits that Stick

I was recently a guest on the Fun. Feisty. Fabulous! Podcast. I had so much fun talking with these two ladies, Karyn Beach and Jean Day. They shared some of obstacles and challenges with their health they face on a daily basis and asked for my help.
feeling blue middle age

What To Do When You’re Feeling Blue

Here are my 10 Practical Go-To’s that I utilize when I’m feeling blue.
self care for women

Fall is NOT the Season to Fall Off the Wagon

In all seriousness, imagine if you took the next few months not to coast and let yourself go; rather you saw it as preparation for a successful start of 2018? I say this every year and this year is no different – the success of 2018 doesn’t start January 1st, 2018. It starts now, in the fall.

A Tribute to Louise Hay – My Top 10 Favorite Quotes

Louise Hay was best known as a motivational author, speaker, and founder of the publishing firm Hay House. She’s had a tremendous influence in the lives of women – empowering them to own their power, remove self-doubt and negative thinking, and create the future they desire.
big announcement

A little BIG announcement

You may or may not have heard how I became a wellness coach for women in their fifties. I feel like I’ve been on an amazing journey of self-discovery, and I continue to be open to what’s stirring inside of me. I recently went on a personal retreat to ponder one question: “Will I continue to serve ONLY women in their fifties?” Today, I am ready to share with you the answer to that question.
3 ways to change

3 Things You Must Have to Create Successful Health Changes

Whether you're building a new good habit or letting go of an old poor habit, there are three very important pieces that MUST be in place when you’re making a change. None of these three can stand alone. You must have all three if you want to make a successful change.
get back on track

Time For a U-Turn: How to Use Labor Day to Get Back on Track

Although we officially still have almost a whole month of summer left (fall season begins 9/21), the day after Labor Day can often feel like the end of summer, especially for those who are teachers, counselors, and others in academic careers. If you have kids in college, they might be headed back to school as well.
splurge meal

Earn your splurge!

I like to start my coaching sessions with a question. One that I like to ask is, "What is something you're looking forward to?"

The Biggest Difference Between a “Cheat” and a “Splurge” Meal

Is there a difference between a “cheat” and a “splurge” meal? Yes, and that difference is BIG. In fact, this might be one of the most important articles I’ve written, because knowing the difference between the two and changing how you view these so-called “cheat” and “splurge” meals/foods, can be the difference between living a healthy, enjoyable life and taking yourself through a viscous cycle of yo-yo “dieting” year after year.

Summer Produce: What to Buy Organic

Today, I’m going to share with you what 12 fruits and vegetables you should buy organic. You might even find it helpful to print the list out or write them down before your next trip to the grocery store, or just pull it up on your phone the next time you’re in the produce section.
facing obstacles

Do’s & Don’ts When Encountering an Obstacle

Today I’m sharing with you five different approaches that are available to you when you encounter an obstacle. These approaches are based on a little field trip I took my clients on back in the day when I was a personal trainer.

Schedule a 20-minute consulation with Kim!

Schedule a 20-minute call during my Office Hours to talk with me about where you are and where you want to be.

You can ask me any questions you might have and we can determine if we’re the right match for each other.