thankful midlife

The Most Important Thing to Be Thankful For

As we begin a coaching call, I like to ask my clients a question to get us started.

For example, I might ask:

“What’s something you’ve learned about yourself recently?”


“What’s something you’re proud of yourself for since the last time we talked?”


“Who has supported you lately?”

I know, these aren’t easy questions to answer.

This is on purpose — I want them to take a moment to think about the question because it’s often not one we women think about often enough in my opinion.

There is one question that I ask that hardly ever takes them long to answer and that one is:

“What is something you’re especially thankful for today?”

They answer that one in a heartbeat.

I believe this is because most of my clients have great daily gratitude practices — whether it’s right when they wake up, before they go to bed, or any time in between — they are taking a few minutes to be thankful everyday.

Perhaps you have a similar practice — whether that’s through meditation, quiet time, prayer, journaling, a mindfulness practice, or anything else.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’d really like you to take some time to be especially thankful for this:

Your body.

To me, the body is very precious — I’ve spent the past 20 years studying the body and helping people be healthier.

Throughout our lives, our body grows and changes — the average person loses between 30,000-40,000 skin cells off the surface of our skin per minute — yes, each minute!

As you can see, our body is constantly working to shed what’s dead or no longer serving us and at the same time — it’s constantly working hard to keep us healthy and alive.

Generally speaking, your body serves two purposes — it’s where you live (your home), and it also helps to get you around (your vehicle).

One of my favorite quotes about the body is by author Suzy Prudden:

Your body is your vehicle for life.
As long as you are here live in it.
Love, honor, respect, and cherish it.
Treat it well and it will serve you in kind.

Again, your precious body serves as your home and your vehicle for life.

You only have one, and it will be with you until your final breath.

This Thanksgiving, as you give thanks with your family and friends, take a moment to remember what your body does for you every single moment.

Then, I challenge you to show your gratitude by making a commitment to giving back to your body in some way.

Maybe your “vehicle” has been in “park” a lot lately and could use some movement or even a restorative “tune-up” like a massage, a yoga session, or some stretching.

Maybe your tired body could use more rest, or sleep, or some higher quality “gas” (healthy, whole foods) so it can function at its best.

Whatever it is, again, begin by being thankful for ALL that your “vehicle” does for you, then think about how your “home” could use more of your attention.

Make the commitment today to give back to your body in some way that really shows your appreciation for all it does for you.

Thank you taking the time to read this, not for me, but for you and your body — she’s worth your time!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!



4 replies
  1. Heidi Sloss
    Heidi Sloss says:

    Thanks for the Thanksgiving reminder. Wonder why we don’t actually lose weight with all those dead skill cells being shed ever minute? Wouldn’t that be cool? Have a great holiday!

  2. Suzanne Stavert
    Suzanne Stavert says:

    I love this reminder Kim! We need to take charge of our health. So many people give up at 50 years old! How can they do that! There is so much life to live and we all need a healthy body to do it! I am so grateful to be healthy and fit and I work at it every single day. Make the change and do something! Thank you Kim!

    • Kim Acedo
      Kim Acedo says:

      You’re right on, Suzanne! 50 is the BEGINNING of the second half! I know you take care of your body and you have fun doing it. What a wonderful habit you’ve developed 🙂

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