Are You Using Your GPS?

One of the best things about my smart phone is the GPS feature. All I have to do is type in the destination and within seconds, my GPS will give me voice turn-by-turn directions. I use this feature all the time. However, sometimes I turn the wrong way, miss the exit on the freeway, or the road may be closed due to an accident or construction. I’m always waiting for her to get mad at me, but she never does. Instead, she simply re-routes me within seconds. Before you know it, I am back on track to my destination.

As you know, I love the first and last quarters of the year. I love the first quarter because it’s exciting. People are making New Year’s resolutions and have HOPE for the possibility of the beautiful changes they want to make this year. I also love the quarter that we have just begun – the last quarter of the year, because it’s the perfect time to not only reflect on how our year has gone so far, but to also see if we need to be re-routed back on track.

I encourage you to take a few moments this week and sit in a quiet place and reflect on the last nine months. Work through these three questions:

1) Big or small, what positive, healthy changes have I made this year so far that I am proud of?

2) What obstacles and challenges did I face this year that were expected or unexpected?

3) How do I want to finish the last quarter of the year? Where do I want to be by December 31, 2013?

Like getting to your destination while driving, especially if you’ve never been there before, it can be daunting. It’s easy to get lost, lose track, miss the opportunity, or turn the wrong way, but it’s okay. Just like my GPS, she doesn’t get mad at me; rather, she immediately gets me back on track without missing a beat.

If you need to get back on track and want to finish the last three months of the year strong, you still have time to do that. If you haven’t made as many positive, healthy changes that you wanted this year, begin again by meditating on these three questions. Just like my GPS, you have to know where you’re starting from and where you want to go before you start moving. Dedicate this first week of the fourth quarter to re-routing yourself (if necessary) to your desired destination.

What steps are you going to take to re-route yourself?    Will you share them with me on my Facebook page?  We will help to keep you accountable!