midlife exercise

5 Reasons Why You Might Be Procrastinating When It Comes to Exercise [Part II]

Last week I shared Part I of the 5 Reasons Why You Might Be Procrastinating When It Comes to Exercise.

If you missed Part I, be sure to check it out.

I truly hope that you gain some insight and understanding into why you might be procrastinating when it comes to exercise, because frankly, it’s just too important to continue putting off.

Procrastination Reason #3: You’re afraid you’re not going to see any results

Physical results, like most worthy endeavors in life, don’t come right away; you have to work for them, sometimes for a long time.

Understandably, it’s common to be frustrated when you feel like you’ve been working hard on your body for a while and you aren’t seeing the results you were expecting.

I realize it can be discouraging, but consider this: results are going to happen on the inside before they happen on the outside, meaning, while it’s natural to focus just on what you see in the mirror, understand that your physiological systems are getting in better shape, which will (if you’re patient enough and stay consistent) translate into physical results on the outside.

In other words, results (the ones that LAST) really do occur on the inside before they’re observable on the outside, because you’re actually changing the way your body processes energy.

Most people don’t understand this, become impatient, and end up quitting too soon, before they see results. Don’t let this be you.

Through our regular coaching sessions, many of my clients have learned that when they ditch the scale and focus less on what’s happening on the outside (yes, even positive changes) and focus more on exercising for their health (their “inside”), they are able to stay more consistent, which translates into even more results on both the inside and out.

If you take anything away from this article, drill this into your mind: results come when you stay consistent, not when you’re in a constant cycle of quitting and starting over and over again.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race, not sprinting, burning out, and stopping, over and over again.

Procrastination Reason #4: You’re afraid you are going to see results, but still won’t be happy with your body

We hear a lot about fear of failure, but there’s also such a thing as fear of success, which can be complicated for us women when it comes to how we feel about our bodies.

From the time we were little girls, our value is often placed on how thin and beautiful we are.

Society, culture, and even our families can be huge influences on how we think we’re supposed to look and feel about our bodies.

What’s more, I find that midlife advertising only feeds women’s insecurities, with the main focus being on products that combat aging, when in fact the most effective anti-aging regimen is regular exercise, sufficient sleep, good nutrition, and stress reduction.

They don’t get the proper attention, because they’re harder to do than applying some cream to your face every morning and evening.

These “basics” are what I help my clients improve, and they’re the most effective way to look and feel your best whatever your age, because you don’t just want to look good; you want to feel good too, right?

Doesn’t it have to be more complicated than that?

No, it doesn’t.

Here’s my advice: Focus on getting your Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise on the right track FIRST, then consider whether you want to enhance your results through supplemental means.

Once again, how we feel about our looks is complex and deeply ingrained.

The only way to be happy with your body, regardless of how quickly or slowly your exterior results may come, is to focus less on how you look and more on how you feel.

This has been one of the biggest ah-ha moments with some of my clients.

Sure, occasionally it takes time to get here, especially when the physical appearance roots are deep, but we do get there eventually and it really is a life-changing experience for my clients, which they begin to pass down to the girls in their lives.

Take care of your Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise, and a lot will take care of itself.

Learn more about how I help my clients do this HERE.

Procrastination Reason #5: You think you won’t be able to stick to it

So you get past all the obstacles that were getting in your way and you’re ready to make regular exercise a habit… but why are you still procrastinating?

Perhaps you’re afraid that once you get started, you won’t be able to stay consistent.

Often due to a history of quitting, this is a common fear and cause of procrastination.

There are many reasons why we start and stop over and over again.

It’s important then to recall what Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

It’s not necessarily the starting and stopping over and over again that’s the most disadvantageous; rather it’s doing what didn’t work for you and trying it the same way again and again.

So if you’re thinking of getting into an exercise routine again, consider what will be different this time.

If you’re not going to have a different approach, then you may be setting yourself up for another instance of quitting.

Having the best intentions and being full of motivation and optimism in the beginning, only to find yourself quitting (again) is frustrating, disappointing, and leads to even more negative self-talk on top of what might already be there.

Being empathetic to this cycle, I became a coach so that I can help my clients stick to their healthy habits once and for all.

I do this by providing the support, guidance, and accountability that is necessary when it comes to making lifestyle changes that you keep for the rest of your life.

And I can help you do this too.

If there’s anything I hope you take away from this two-part series is that procrastination has less to do with your ability to develop an exercise habit, and more to do with your mindset.

Like they say, “Change your mind, change your life.”

Remember, if you need some help, I’m only an email away: kim@transformationwellnessforwomen.com

Whatever you do, do something, right now.

It’s Your Turn to Take Care of You,




Need Some Help?

Book a time to talk with me here.


2 replies
    SHARON FRIED says:

    Hi Kim, I know that change/results have to start from the inside, but I continue to criticize my body, mainly because I am uncomfortable with how I feel and look. Would like to discuss this on our next call, please 🙂

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