5 Questions You Should Answer Before Entering 2015

My yoga teacher reminds us frequently that although there’s so much happening around us all the time, there is always a space inside of us that is peaceful, calm, and still. It may take some time to find that space within us, but we each have it. This is a space that is always inviting and we can return to anytime we need it. Doesn’t that sound nice?

My hope for you is that in the next few days before we ring in 2015, give yourself the gift of silence and peace as you reflect on the following five questions that I think are crucial to ask yourself if you want to make 2015 YOUR YEAR to live healthier and happier in your fifties. I encourage you to find that space inside you that is peaceful, forgiving, loving, and empowering, and take some time over the next few days to slow down and really meditate on the following questions:

1) What worked well for me in 2014?
2) How can I commit to keeping that going or possibly making it better in 2015?
3) What didn’t work for me 2014?
4) How can I change that in 2015?
5) What is my theme of the year or quote that I will live by in 2015?

After working through these questions, find a supportive and like-minded friend with whom you can share your answers. This will help you stay committed to making these changes in 2015. If you are so moved, feel free to reply back and share them with me.

The truth is that no one is exempt from needing support and accountability from like-minded women who inspire, encourage, and lift each other up. If you feel like you need this in your life right now and especially as we begin the New Year, consider joining my next 6-week online course, ReINVENT Your Health that starts January 22nd.

I have upgraded the course to include three small and intimate group coaching sessions throughout the six weeks for added value, at no extra cost. Grab a friend who also desires to improve her health and make sure to register ASAP for Early Bird pricing. Remember, everything is virtual, so it doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can join us.

Together, let’s make 2015 your healthiest and happiest year yet.

Your health and wellness coach in your 50’s,

2 replies
  1. Heidi Sloss
    Heidi Sloss says:

    Great questions to get us in the mood for taking inventory and moving forward in the new year. As I get older I feel that I am finally letting go of my need to control everything–or at least I made a good start on it. Traveling on a different country for 5 months also helped me let go on some of my overly anal tendencies. During the holidays I wanted things to go just right for our family celebration but then, because of my accident, I had to let that go. At first I found myself all anxious and worried, but then after finding that space inside myself (and reminding myself that ask was well no matter how it turned out), I was finally able to relax and enjoy the time spent with my kids. I still have work to do on this, but I see and feel movement.

    • Kim Acedo
      Kim Acedo says:

      Thanks for sharing, Heidi. It is hard to let go sometimes, but it sounds like you were able to let go and just let things happen. I’m glad to hear it turned out well and you were able to relax and enjoy time with your kids. I’m happy to hear that 🙂

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