
holiday balance

7 Tips to Help You Keep that “Merry & Light” Balance

The holidays are the toughest time of year to be healthy. There are sweets and treats at almost every turn, and avoiding them, or at least having self-control when you do partake, is often easier said than done.

How to Create a “Healthy Holiday Look Back Story”

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but perhaps you ate or drank a little too much than you had hoped for, and you’re feeling bad about yourself. If this is the case, my hope is that my Merry & Light Holiday Checklist will come in handy for the rest of the season.
midlife women self care

Challenge Yourself Using the Merry & Light Checklist

If you want to get the most out of the Merry & Light Holiday Checklist, try out this little challenge: Make the checklist into a game by tracking how many you can check off every day before the end of the year. If you really want to challenge yourself, give yourself a goal number; that is, starting today, how many will you check off (in total) before the end of the year?
halloween fitness

Go Ahead, Eat a Halloween Candy

Yes, you read that right! As “the day of treats” draws nearer, you may come across health articles in magazines or on the web giving you all these tips to avoid the Halloween candy. Instead, I’m saying, “Go ahead and eat it.” Here’s why. Plus, I share 3 tips that you’ll want to make sure you do if you choose to have a treat or two… and no, none of them involve 100 sit-ups!