Against All Odds

As a Toastmasters member, I get the opportunity to work on my…

If Not Now, When?

“You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change…

It’s Not “What”, But “Who”

A very wise man once told me, “Kim, it’s not ‘what’ you…

Why We Need Each Other: Mentors, Coaches, and Friends

Sometimes life is hard.  Most of us do pretty well for the most…

New Lifestyle, New Vision

My own health and fitness has been a process. I was a year-round…

Life is Like an Orchestra

My mentor says that life is like an orchestra. For example, sometimes…

Consistency Isn’t Sexy

Most people brush their teeth twice a day (hopefully you brush…

The 3 Things to Look For in a Role Model

You may be thinking, “Find a role model? At my age?” My…

The Waiting Period

A few weeks ago, one of my clients discovered a lump in her breast.…

You Can’t Run a Marathon with a Sprinter’s Attitude

A theme that has been coming up lately with my clients and others…

Dairy Free Fruit Smoothies

Ingredients:  1 cup fruit juice (cranberry, pomegranate,…

Stress 101: What You Need to Know

“I’m so stressed!” Sound familiar?  If you are like…

Schedule a 20-minute consulation with Kim!

Schedule a 20-minute call during my Office Hours to talk with me about where you are and where you want to be.

You can ask me any questions you might have and we can determine if we’re the right match for each other.