Entries by Kim

Rest, Recovery, and Renewal

As a women’s basketball fan, an exciting time has begun for me – the WNBA season.

Recently, the different WNBA teams had a media day, where sports journalists from various media outlets get their chance to pull out their recording devices and microphones to ask the players and coaches questions about the upcoming season.

Stop, Look, and Listen

I came home the other day to a fire truck outside of my building along with all my neighbors huddled outside.

As I picked up my pace to approach them, I immediately asked what happened and thankfully it was just someone who pulled the fire alarm.

Don’t Judge a Body By Its “Fit”ness

You know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”?

We know it metaphorically means that we shouldn’t make assumptions about who someone is on the inside based on how they look on the outside.

Similarly, when it comes to health and fitness, I’m saying: Don’t judge a body by its (perceived) fitness.

The Gift Only You Can Give Yourself on Mother’s Day

If you’re a person someone calls Mom today, I hope you’re showered with love and appreciation, not just today, but every day.

But did you know that the greatest gift you can receive on Mother’s Day is something that no one else can give to you?

Yeah, that’s right – you can only give this gift to yourself.

What Fat Loss & Work Productivity Have in Common

Back in the day, we used to think that you had to exercise at a low-intensity and a long duration in order to burn fat.

This means that unless you’re willing to start taking up jogging and eventually be able to finish a marathon without stopping, you simply don’t have a chance of ever being fit and thin.