self care coach

When You Feel Good…

When we feel good ABOUT ourselves, we do good FOR ourselves.

In my Flourishing 50s membership community, our Guest Expert last month was also a wellness coach and she said shared with us something so simple and so true:

“When you feel good, you do good.”

What she means is that when our bodies feel good, we tend to make better choices and then begins the positive cycle — when we make a good choice, we feel better, so then we continue to keep making better choices.

Plus, those healthy choices become easier because you’re motivated by how great you feel (not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well) when you make them.

Those in my Facebook group communities know that I eat vegan during the week, as well as avoid any bread, pasta, and rice – foods that I grew up eating and still love.

I eat this way during the week not because I have a goal weight I’m trying to get to or a clothing size I’m want to fit in.

Ready to make a healthy change in your 50s?

Take my quick and easy 7 question quiz to see just “how” ready you really are >> “7 Crucial Questions Every Woman in Her 50s Must Honestly Ask Herself if She Truly Wants to Make Healthy Changes That LAST”

I do it for long-term health and environmental reasons, but also because it makes me feel good in the short term too.

In the short-term, my motivation to eat vegan during the week is to be the best that I can be for my clients.

This means being in an optimal physical, mental, and emotional state as often as possible. It means managing my energy (which I talked about a few weeks ago) and I’m able to manage my energy and feel my best when I eat this way.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

By the time Friday night comes along and I’m not coaching my clients again until Monday, I can’t wait to get my hands on a hearty sandwich, some pizza, or go out to a great Chinese food restaurant with my parents.

But… these foods don’t make me feel that great afterward.

Can you relate?

Sure, they taste GREAT passing over my taste buds, but once they enter my system, an hour or so later, I feel lethargic, heavy, and sleepy.

Is it worth it?

Heck YEAH!

I love a little indulgence on the weekends, especially because I don’t need to manage my energy as much as I do during the week when I work with my clients and it’s just enough for me to satisfy my desire for “non-vegan” foods, that I’m ready to get back to feeling light, energetic, and clear-minded during the week.

If you know my philosophy, you know that I believe in enjoying your life…

Have fun.

Eat what you want.

You don’t have to eat healthy if you don’t want to.

It’s YOUR body.

It’s YOUR life.

You can do whatever you want to do with both.

ENJOY living your one precious life.

BUT, what I am most interested in is helping you feel good…

…feel good about the way you look,

…feel good about the choices you’re making (because you’re in charge of them), and

…feel good about how your body performs for you – be strong, fit, and pain-free so that you can do the things you love to do…

Because when you feel good, this is when life is most enjoyable, and when you’re enjoying your life in a body you love living in, my mission is accomplished.

P.S. Don’t leave without unlocking the “7 Crucial Questions” you must honestly ask yourself if you truly want to live a healthy and happy life in your 50s.

Take my quick and easy 7-question quiz and see where you stand NOW: