self help women midlife

The Greatest Gift You Can Receive on Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day!

Did you know that the greatest gift you can receive on Mother’s Day is something that no one else can give to you?

Yes, that’s right. You can only give this gift to yourself. That gift is the commitment to life-long self-care.

No one can make you take care of yourself; rather self-care requires you to give yourself permission to nurture yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If you haven’t yet, I hope today, on Mother’s Day 2016, you make a pledge to:

Put your needs right up there with everyone else’s.
Speak to yourself with more kindness and gentleness.
Invest in personal growth and self-discovery.
Only say YES to things you love to do and are great at,
and NO to anything else.

Trust that your commitment to self-care not only benefits you, but those you love and who love you. Your relationships with them will strengthen. Your time with them on Earth will increase. Believe that your commitment to self-care is the greatest investment you can make.

May you give yourself permission to receive the gift of self-care this year, starting today, on Mother’s Day. Today, I celebrate all that you were, are, and will be…

You are the sum of three women:
the woman you were yesterday,
the woman you are today,
and the woman you’ll be tomorrow.

Wishing you joyful health in your 50’s,
