Download your FREE copy today:

5 Steps to Becoming

a Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

Woman Entrepreneur in Your 50s

  • Want to gain an edge on your competitors?

  • Grow your bottom line?

  • Live a full life of impact and influence?

  • Leave a legacy you can be proud of?

Greater impact, influence, and legacy

requires you to be at your peak health and well-being.

Download my “5 Steps to Becoming a Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Woman Entrepreneur in Your 50s” and be on your way TODAY to GREATER impact, influence, and legacy through optimal health and self-care.

Kim_headshot-600x900_roundedcorners_25pxHi, my name is Kim Acedo and I believe that a healthy life is a life you’ll love in your 50s!

I partner with professional women in their 50s who are ready, willing and able to make a healthy change in their lives and provide the support, accountability, and guidance they need in order to improve their Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise habits.

I have a Master’s degree in Kinesiology, am a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and the owner of Transformation Wellness for Women where I work with my clients virtually in the comfort of their own home or office.

Want to connect? Schedule a chat with me HERE.