healhty vacation tips

Do’s & Don’ts: How to Get Back on Track After a Vacation

My parents, partner, and I recently got back from an awesome trip to Washington DC.

We had a great time exploring the city together, which also included indulging in all kinds of delicious foods I don’t normally eat at home.

I like to say I come from an eating family — we like to eat… Heck, we LOVE it!

Plus, while sometimes I work out on vacation, this time I chose not to.

But now we’re home and it’s time to get back to our healthy lifestyle.

So today, I wanted to share some of my personal Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to diet, exercise, and self-talk that help me get back on track after a vacation.

I hope they help you the next time you come home from a vacation and are ready to get back on track too.

DON’T: Beat yourself up for gaining a few pounds (if you did).
DO: Remember to practice balance. There’s a time for work and a time for play. Vacation was play, but now it’s time to get back to work. If you enjoyed yourself on your vacation, then great! There’s nothing to beat yourself up about.

DON’T: “Detox”, “cleanse”, or go on a crash diet when you get back from vacation.
DO: Get back to your normal healthy eating routine immediately, which leads me to the next one…

DON’T: Leave your fridge or freezer empty before you leave on vacation.
DO: Sometimes it can be overwhelming to come home to an empty fridge/freezer and have to go shopping and make healthy meals. To help you get back on track right away, have a healthy meal waiting for you in your fridge or freezer when you get home.

DON’T: Kill yourself your first workout back. Remember that you’re not going to burn off all those vacation calories you consumed in one hard workout.
DO: Ease back into exercise. The last thing you need is an injury because you pushed too hard too soon.

The bottom line is always the same whether you come home from vacation or not – slow and steady is what it always takes to live your healthiest life.




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